Last summer, the NRCHA Board voted to discontinue the Non-Pro Two Rein Class upon the grounds that it was not economically sound. Upon discussion, they have agreed to put the class back on the table for discussion as an approved class for 2011.
This approval will probably not occurr unless there is over-whelming evidence that the Non-pro's support the concept of the class and are willing to support it both with entries and with dollars.
There are some of us non-pro's that believe that the training of a bridle horse follows the same transitional steps of snaffle bit to hackamore to two rein to bridle whether the horse is shown in open or non-professional classes.
For further information on the specific training process and its value to the horse, a reasonable description of the training and bit transition can be found in the Western Horseman articles of clinician Richard Caldwell for the last two issues.
However, the real point of this email is that you have to make your individual input count by emailing the our NRCHA directors of your opinion.
The Non-Pro Committee cannot secure affirmative Board action to approve a two rein class on national level without considerable individual support.
Please take 5 minutes and express your opinion and commitment level. If you anticipate to have a two rein horse in 2011-- tell them.
Jay Meyers
The 2 rein is part f the tradition regardless of the status of the rider. NRCHA made a mistake in my opinion. The non-pro board of NRCHA is doing everything it can to get the class fully reinstated. I need emails about your non-pro or open concerns regarding this issue. Send them to ddiehl@ru-inc com and I will forward them to the NRCHA board of directors.
ReplyDeleteI am in full agreement Dave.... "where tradition is not forgotten... except if you are a non pro..." should be the new slogan.
ReplyDeleteI have a horse that I need to show in the two rein. If the non pro two rein is reinstated I will, hands down, show in it in 2011.